"Katrinilie Varum Geetham... Kangal Panithida Pongum Geetham..."
Now, why did this suddenly come up? Yesterday(28-Oct-08), Wikipedia sported a small snippet on this movie in its front-page. I followed the links and was really surprised to learn the movie was directed by an American director 'Ellis R. Dungan'.
Ellis is a native of
Personally, I feel that it is great to be able to direct such 'Classic' films in some language that he does not know, reflecting a culture that he's not very familiar with. In those days, most of the films were almost poetic and contained so many songs. The dialogues are so pure and poetic, that many young Tamils of today do not understand them. Even though he would've had so many to help him, I feel that it requires a real skill for a non-native to effectively direct such a film, bring out all the emotions and reach the audience as powerfully as these films did.
Some links on Dungan:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellis_R._Dungan
- http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/mp/2004/09/06/stories/2004090600190300.htm
- http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/fr/2002/02/01/stories/2002020100850300.htm
For those who would like to hear the song that I've specified at the beginning: