Sunday, November 22, 2009

Doomsday - Just around the corner

Every now and then, doomsday predictions surface and occupy the gossip columns. Millions of books on the predictions will be sold; documentaries or films will gross billions; salvation and a place in heaven will be promised by different ‘God men’ and in extreme cases we also see mass suicides or killings. The Dawn of this millennium was predicted to bring about the end of this world. That moment passed and the world survived. Now the next date of doom is 21st December, 2012. This is the date that our world will come to an end, as predicted by the Mayans, Nostradamus, the Oracle of Delphi and many others.

Again, the usual series of books, movies, and websites have sprung up to make money out of this prediction. Probably they’re trying to make as much money as possible to take into their next world after this world ‘expires’ in 2012. Today, I saw the movie ‘2012’ that is based on this prediction. A strong solar flare causes some problems with the core of the earth which in turn destabilizes the earth’s crust. As a result, the crust starts cracking up all over the world resulting in huge earthquakes flattening entire cities. The Governments of the world have been preparing for this event for more than 3 years. They build huge ship-like structures named Arks where they collect selected people whose genes are supposed to be good enough to make the human species take root once again. These ships are built deep inside China in the Himalayan Mountains. In the climax, a 1500 meter Tsunami sweeps over the East Coast of India and reaches the mountains. It sweeps these arks and flings them towards Mount Everest. Finally, our hero saves the ark from being rammed into Everest. The world is also changed – Wisconsin becomes new South Pole, Africa rises 1000 feet above and the tallest mountains in the world are in South Africa.


This is my take on what will happen…
Chaos will take over the planet. Governments will start programs to safe guard the top echelons of the society. The rich and the powerful will try to pay their way into the new world order. Societal order will collapse. There will be mass migrations to regions considered safe. National boundaries will disappear, governments will collapse. There will be large scale looting and destruction. Protecting self will be first and foremost in everyone’s minds. Businesses will try to make as much money as possible – selling talismans, magical potions and scientific ‘inventions’ designed to protect people from destruction. God men will rally people around promising salvation and heaven.
Of course, there will also be tales of selfless deeds, outstanding human courage, stories of heroic beings rushing to save their community. But I feel that chaos and anarchy will drown these few activities. Somehow I get the feeling that survival of the fittest will be the most dominant force guiding the human race at such times of crisis. Human beings are just not that mature yet.
My mom already keeps saying that the goodness in this world is draining fast. She complains that people have lost their moral values and ethics; there are more liars trying to cheat people out of their money; corruption has increased; there is no sincerity in anyone's work;



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Though i agree that 'kaliyugam' is indeed here... with more bad in each person than good.. i do think adversity at times brings out the best in people...
Like each time there is a disaster.. more people reach out to help rather than to take advantage of the situation...
So maybe there is still hope for mankind :).. doomsday is not that near...
or maybe i'm just an hopeless optimist!

Road Trip 2020 said...

nice article da...
yeah, if everyone knows the end date, the probablity of riots breaking out is high...
and i do appreciate your thought that "humand beings, as a species, are not that matured"
all said and done.... Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old now.. and it has survived many such calamities...
if there is an end, the end would be for a species named "Humans", but the planet would survive billions of years after humans die!

Even the powerful dinasours couldnt survive a catostrophy... they all died.. but the planet survived!

overall, you have put in your thoughts very nicely.. i liked reading it

Sumit said...

Nice one sir !!!
What I feel is that there cannot be an end to life !!! If earth becomes uninhabitable, I am sure mankind will shift to a newer location ..Probably Men to Mars and Women to Venus ..

Dj's Space© said...

Interesting thought to have -- "Naalai Ulagam Illai endraanal.."

Two things about this article really strike me vij:
Firstly, The same set of people who have given a 'warrenty on their predictions' for destruction 2012, had apparently predicted that earth would go kaboom in 2000 as well (except for the Mayans of course, who seem to spice things up a li'l now :) )
En Result --> A lot of people are gonna make a lot of money out of these 'predictions' and then hope that it is not true :)

Secondly, The Human Race has had 200.000 years to learn and improve itself, a large amount of pruning and 'self selection' has already happened within. Evil is what is highlighted of course, because everyone is 'interested' in knowing only the bad stories, 'the controversial ones'. That does not mean that the human race in itself is not majourly good.
We might not be mature enough to select the 'Best' among us to preserve beyond the crisis, but am sure that knowing tomorow is the last day of life as we know it, would definitely drive us as a race to do more good than evil.

RK said...

Mayans merely stopped making calendars past 2012 and that doesn't mean they thought the world was going to end. Thanks to the Spanish, we may never actually know what they thought.
But out of curiosity, what would you plan to do on Dec 12th of 2012?
Pretty sure everyone is going to stay with their loved ones that day and get "devout" [as in 'please god...not me, not yet']